Vasco hold Panjim Footballers

Flash Jan. 21, 2024, 7:42 p.m.
News 2 min read

Vasco Sports Club and Panjim Footballers shared the spoils in a thrilling 1-1 draw at SAG ground, Benaulim, highlighting the ever-present drama of the Goa Professional League. The Port Towners fought back from a first-half deficit to secure a point, showcasing their unwavering spirit and resilience.

Panjim started brightly, with Maximo D'Costa posing a constant threat. He tested Vasco keeper Nabakumar Ghosh early on, a warning shot for what was to come. D'Costa finally found his mark in the 41st minute, capitalizing on a corner kick to coolly tuck the ball past Ghosh, sending a wave of silence through the Vasco faithful.

Undeterred, Vasco emerged with renewed purpose after the break. Momocha Singh and Sorokhaibam Meitei continued to cause problems for the Panjim defense, their pace and trickery a constant headache. The pressure finally paid off in the 67th minute, when another set-piece proved decisive. Nitish Hazra rose to the occasion, his towering header leaving the Panjim keeper with no chance and sending the SAG ground into a frenzy of Vasco chants.

The remainder of the match was a tense affair, with both teams desperately seeking the winner. Maximo, Panjim's nearly-hero, almost snatched the victory in the 77th minute, but his close-range effort flew agonizingly wide, much to the relief of the Vasco supporters.