Goa: Unheralded Caitano trounces Alemao to win GFA top post

GFA Media Team June 23, 2023, 10:58 p.m.
Blog 5 min read
GFA president Caitano Fernandes (R) celebrates with vice president (North) Jonathan de Sousa
GFA president Caitano Fernandes (R) celebrates with vice president (North) Jonathan de Sousa 
PANAJI: Till six months ago, Caitano Fernandes was not associated with any club in Goa. Only a handful probably had heard of him in Goa’s closely-knit football circle.
On Sunday, the demure businessman walked into the pantheon of Goa Football Association (GFA) as he convincingly trounced Savio Alemao, son of former chief minister and football stalwart Churchill Alemao, to become the GFA president for a four-year term.
Caitano got almost all his men elected too. The two vice-presidents, besides 17 of the 20 elected executive committee members, are from his panel.
“I know this is a huge victory,” the newly elected president told TOI on Sunday. “The clubs have shown their faith in me and the vision (document) that I presented. We will see results within three months.”
Representing FC Tuem, Caitano picked up 83 of the 159 votes, while Savio had just 47. Former GFA secretary Welvin Menezes, who was also in the fray, received 29 votes, giving Caitano a spectacular victory in the first round itself.
The GFA presidential elections are conducted on the basis of first-past-the post system, which means a majority (more than 50%) of the valid votes cast is necessary to get elected. Had Caitano got anything less than 80, he would have been up against Savio in the second round in a straight contest, with Welvin eliminated.

A businessman by profession, Caitano owns CAM Industries, which focuses mainly on hygiene. His company has been the housekeeping partners for FC Goa during Indian Super League (ISL) and AFC Champions League matches at Fatorda.
He is also a member of the Goa Football Development Council (GFDC), but just how did he manage to win the top post at GFA, previously occupied by the likes of Shivanand Salgaocar (2002-06), Joaquim Alemao (2006-10), Shrinivas Dempo (2010-14), Elvis Gomes (2014-18) and Churchill Alemao (2018-22).
“People didn’t look at his reputation, they just voted for his vision,” said Jonathan de Sousa, Caitano’s closest associate, who was later elected as vice president (north). “He knew a lot of people and there was goodwill earned, but he didn’t know that they are into football. Caitano ran a very positive campaign and had a vision plan, never presented before in Goan football. He had everything detailed out and explained how he would bring Goan football back to the top. Given the mess of the last four years, clubs voted for a welcome change.”
Behind the scenes, Caitano worked his way up meticulously, meeting all the bigwigs and explaining just why he was eager to contest for the post of the GFA president.
He first met chief minister Pramod Sawant, with whom he shares a good rapport, and sought his support.
When the group opposed to Alemao tried to convince Calangute MLA Michael Lobo to throw his hat in the ring, Caitano drove to Parra and made his ambition known. He then met former fisheries minister Avertano Furtado, the presidential candidate at the last election in 2018.
For better communication with clubs, Caitano hired a firm to look after his social media campaign, started sponsoring football tournaments and won new friends. At the Custodio Memorial football tournament in Raia, Goa’s oldest inter-village football tournament, Caitano provided the biggest sponsorship.
The turning point in his campaign came when Salgaocar FC president and industrialist Shivanand Salgaocar publicly backed him. FC Goa president Akshay Tandon soon followed with a post on social media.
With two of Goa’s biggest clubs throwing their weight behind him, there was no stopping.
“Two months ago, I was confident of winning,” said Caitano. “I have been campaigning for the past six months, meeting club officials, former players, administrators, and getting inputs for my vision plan. Unlike others who make media statements and forget them the next day, I have put my vision on paper. Anyone is free to question me if I am not following the vision document. You will see results. Bhizpachi garaz na.”