GFA President Unveils Vision for Goan Football: Elevating Quantity and Quality

Flash July 29, 2023, 2:39 p.m.
News 2 min read

The GFA President, Dr. Caitano Fernandes, expressed the association's unwavering commitment to promote Goan football and outlined a series of initiatives aimed at elevating both the quantity and quality of the sport in the region.


"We are trying every bit possible to promote Goan football," declared Dr. Fernandes, highlighting the GFA's determination to propel the sport to new heights. Recognizing the immense talent pool within the state, the President emphasized their focus on providing more opportunities to players through an expanded Goa Professional League.


"This year, we are having 13 teams in the Goa Professional League," stated Dr. Fernandes, revealing the league's remarkable growth. With an increase in participating teams, more players will have a chance to represent esteemed clubs, offering them a platform to showcase their skills and talents.


But the President made it clear that their ambitions go beyond mere quantity. "Our aim is not just to increase the quantity but work on the quality too," he asserted passionately. To achieve this, the GFA will be reverting to their old system of a two-leg format, providing every team with a substantial number of games per season. This move not only promises more thrilling football action but also ensures that players receive adequate exposure and experience on the field.


Dr. Fernandes also emphasized the importance of player development and talent scouting. "There will be continuous monitoring of the players at not just the Pro League but all levels," he explained. The GFA will actively track players' progress, not only during professional matches but also during grassroots competitions, such as inter-village games. This meticulous approach aims to identify young talents early on, giving them the guidance and support needed to flourish in the sport.


The President's vision for Goan football resonated with a powerful message of inclusivity and excellence. "We have our sources keeping track of inter-village games to identify young players," he revealed, reaffirming the GFA's commitment to nurturing football talent at the grassroots level.


Dr. Caitano Fernandes's ambitious plans have ignited excitement within the football community, and his passion for the sport is palpable. As the GFA gears up to implement these groundbreaking initiatives, the future of Goan football appears to be heading towards an exciting and transformative trajectory.